Welcome to my blog... a mixed bag of strange, dumb-assed, dangerous and out right boring ideas. Pretty well nothing but a bunch of tedious long winded monologues that will just waste your time. Your best plan would be to hit the back button... unless of course you can't sleep then continue. 

     If you do stay please read for entertainment purposes only as some ideas here are far beyond dangerous and could even kill you if were were dumb enough to to try them. Please consult with your physician before attempting slog through these blatherings. and odd ideas. 

     Yes some of the posts contradict each other! Why? Well nothing is black and white in this world. Every subject has two sides. If you don't consider both sides then you are a blind fool. Some of the biggest arguments I have had in life have been with myself. Eventually I find the side of the coin I like and stick with it. Of course I have learned that once I come to grips with a side I like that does not make the other side go away. This is what freedom is about.

     Another thing... some of the posts here are about the same subject just approached from a slightly different angle. Thus they maybe shorter or maybe clearer or maybe worse, longer and more tedious.

     Oh and if you bruise easy I highly recommend you head right back to I am not that politically correct and don't really care.

    One final note the contents of this site are known to cause cancer in the sad state of California.

Got any comments, insults etc?


Why You Shouldn't Shit Your Pants....

by roy mackey

April 16, 2021

     Seriously it is not pretty... not that I know personally but I have seen someone here in Vancouver that had. In fact I am guessing about six times over the last few days and he never had access to a shower. When I said you could smell him coming I mean you could smell him coming. You might not know it but most people do this a lot more than they think they do.....


Should We Gas Chamber Anti-Vaxxers?

by roy mackey

April 2, 2021

        OK this idea is maybe a little bit premature but here is a tidbit for you...

         After world war two was lost by Germany the winning countries were all scrambling for the spoils... Not the gold, silver art and antiques but the countries top scientists. It has been recorded at one point some politicians were gleefully asking a group of these German scientists how they got normal intelligent Germans to do such atrocious things to other human beings as if it was just another day on the job. Their reply was "simple... Just scare the hell out right of them. After that they will do anything you tell them to...." Has anyone out there noticed that a lot of people are acting like someone... "scared the hell right out of them" lately?

     Anyone out there ever hear the term "red flag"?


Covid The Best Dam Pandemic Ever!!!!

by roy mackey

March 20,2021

         If you don't think Covid has been the best dam pandemic ever then you seriously need to read this post. Because a lack of gratitude for the good in your life is the one thing that will attract more to not be grateful about.


Bug Out vs Bug In.....

by roy mackey

March 18, 2021

     Now if you are a prepper and don't know the difference then you definitely need to read on. You see any prepper worth his salt should know the difference. After all it could mean the difference between life or death.... Actually there are two versions of "Bugging In". With this post we are not talking about the staying in your home version of Bugging In but the moving to the city version that most are not familiar with.


Facebook.... Seriously????

by roy mackey

January 26, 2021

     Have you ever stepped in a dog mine..., barfed on your new girlfriends shoes..., backed over your dying grandmothers favorite cat or had a facebook account? If you have experienced any of these creepy things then this post is for you.


Bullies...... Our Unsung Hero's

by roy mackey

January 6, 2021

     Yes most people don't realize it but bullies are the world's unsung hero's. I know this sounds crazy and your Mom is going to want to kill me but before you report me to all the "Woke Jokes" out there hear me out.


Retiring on the Backs of Your Grand Kids..

by roy mackey

Aug26, 2020

     Lets face it we all want to retire with a life of luxury. This post here is going to tell you how it was done in the past and how you can get your grand kids or neighbors grand kids pay for it all. It is pure genius and almost too good to be true! The best part is it actually looks like "investing". Not to mention the system is all set up for you to take advantage of. You could start enjoying a life of luxury tomorrow if you wanted. You might have to act fast though or you could miss the boat.


Spending Money is Like Having Sex......

by roy mackey

July 14, 2020

     Seriously... it is amazing how similar spending money is to having sex. If you don't grasp this then odds are you will be broke your whole life. Pretty well the only difference is that when it comes to spending money you have to get third party approval first before you perform any transaction. (unless of course you are using cash)


How To Spot, Avoid and Forgive Haters......

by roy mackey

June 22, 2020

     Most people don't think about it much but hate is starting to be the new "black" these days.
(snowflakes note: this is a term used by artists and has nothing to do with skin color)

     Seems everyone is in on it. This post will help you spot, avoid and forgive the haters in your life. Or even better help you avoid falling into the hate trap yourself. All for free..., oh...., side benefit. It will make your life delicious and full of energy.


Adrenaline Junkies Explained......

by roy mackey

June 1, 2020

     Most people don't know it but adrenaline junkies are just regular people that are terrified of life. Surprising but true. (If you are one yourself you may want to check this out.) Now they might brag to you..., humbly of course...  about their antics but the truth is they are scared silly and just trying to back into their mommies womb as quickly as possible. Now I don't want to pop anyone's "hero" bubble here but..,


The Danger of Rabbit Holes....

by roy mackey

May 31, 2020

     Most people don't realize how dangerous rabbit holes are. This is dangerous in itself because after all everyone has a rabbit hole they frequent. Especially these days. If you start taking your rabbit hole too seriously it could cost you your family, friends, job and eventually your life. It is not worth the risk as you have nothing to gain. Yes rabbit holes cause more pain and suffering than anything. Thus you have to learn how to manage your "rabbit holen" or you will pay the price. If you don't want the embarrassment they can also cause you may want to check this out...


The Great Pandemic Paper Panic of 2020...

by roy mackey

May 24, 2020

     What the hell is up? The dark powers that be tried to plummet the world into economic collapse in a desperate attempt to get Trump out and people rush out to buy toilet paper? What's going on  here??? Well if you use a lot of toilet paper you may want to read this one. Could save you a ton of money, embarrassment and poor health among other things!!!


Learning To Share Opinions.....

by roy mackey

May 13, 2020

     It does not matter what politician you vote for..., what news station you worship..., or what church you attend etc... there is always going to be someone hugely smarter than you that believes the opposite to what you do.

     Nor does it matter what your politician, news station, or preacher says.... because they will all tell you that everyone on the "other side" is either ill informed, possessed or plain stupid. Of course it doesn't take that much gray matter to realize that simply can't be true.

     Life is sad like that but there are always two sides to the coin.... no matter how many times you flip it. Nor does the side that lands upright make the other side go away.

     So unless we can truly prove we are God then it might pay for all of us to be a little more humble when expressing our choices and opinions.

     Yes life is scary and I know if everyone does not follow your opinion we will all be dead. So we do understand your urgency but things don't always work out how we perceive they will.   

    Since the beginning of time virtually everything that mankind thought was "scientific fact" has been eventually proven wrong. That's a pretty solid record that I am guessing didn't end yesterday.

     Now Relax !!!.... No one is gong to make you change your opinions!!! At least for now anyway. And hell you can even tell those opinions to at least some of the people you know. In fact in a lot of cases even without violent repercussions. Though even better is the fact that you can live those opinions and convictions and let others follow you if they wish.

     Oh and don't blame your friends for not seeing your "obvious" logic that you downloaded from your biased news station or other online source. Some of the greatest minds in history could not grasp the fact that the earth was round, or that man could fly, or that you couldn't trust politicians. There is more to making a choice than logic.

     After all just think about all those wasted years

that chocolate argued with peanut butter

before they realized......

they were a match made in heaven!!!!


Harley's Explained... sort of....

by roy mackey

April 22, 2020

     Riding a Harley is like having a flying dream in a thunderstorm without the rain....... It is a psychic experience more than just riding a motorcycle and yes there is a reason for that. The reason explains why most other bikes are not the same. Harley's though truly do recharge your soul and science can back this up.


Wisdom is Worthless....

by roy mackey

April 9, 2020

     It's pretty well true. Wisdom sucks and is about as worthless as gold colored tattoos on a dead politician floating in a vat of boiling tar. In fact it is a bit of a con job that old people, not unlike myself, have been bribing younger generations with for eons...


Don't Get Too Attached To Your Meat Sack....

by roy mackey

April 7, 2020

     Yes the ole meat sack. A fun machine a lot of the time and a pain in the ass other times. Most of them don't last forever and if you are lucky they die quick when they do start to wear out.

read more....


Big Pharma Gives Thanks.....

by roy mackey

April 4, 2020

     Yes big pharma apparently wants to give special thanks to all the North American Pot growers for all their effort, risk, jail time, marketing and especially their research and product development they have done over the years.


Science Prove Dogs Hate Us...

by roy mackey

April 2, 2020

   Yes the sad truth has finally come out. Thanks to the wonders of science it has been proven.... dogs actually hate human beings. The only time they don't is when they are getting fed. It is during these times that their hatred turns to severe tolerance.


The Most Selfish Thing in Life........ Having Kids........

by roy mackey

March 2, 2020

     Yes sad but true... Having kids is one of the most selfish things people can do in life. Now if you have kids you will likely have a hard time understanding this. Therefore it's best you head back over to to do more shopping. Though if you are curious and promise not to throw a fit of anger then please... feel free to continue. It will hurt a bit but only until you get to the end of the spiel......


Pure Luxury in 2 point 2 Seconds

by roy mackey

February 26, 2020

     Yes driving, so smooth...... So comfortable...... So quiet you will swear you are dead!!!  After all nothing on the road will beat the new aerodynamic, banana shaped 2020 DC.

     This post is about how to live a life of... real... luxury in 2 point 2 seconds... or maybe a little more.


The Dreaded "I Hate Trump" Rage....

by roy mackey

February 13, 2020

     If you have every thrown a "I Hate Trump" rage in public you might want to check out this post....... OK for some it might be a little embarrassing but like most embarrassing things it is better to find out late than never…..


Freedom and How To Find It....

By roy mackey

February 4, 2020

     We are all chasing freedom in the modern world. Yes all of us and yet virtually none of us are getting nowhere near freedom. Have you ever wondered why? Well I will tell you here....


How To Ditch Your Loser Friends

by roy mackey

January 22, 2020

     Do you have weak minded friends who are clueless about politics and actually believe the.... "other side" is the way to go? If so you need to ditch those idiots fast!!! Read this to find out how to do it quickly, easily and cleanly.


Gardening Made Expensive....

by roy mackey

January 7, 2020

     Here is how to grow $60 dollars worth of microgreens for only $460 bucks!!! All right in the comfort of your own living room!!!


The Smart Phone Dumb Brain Story

by roy mackey

December 22, 2019

     OK.... is the smart phone, smart fridge, smart car smart toilet really bad for your brain? And even if so... does it really matter?


Furk Prepping

by roy mackey

December 13, 2019

     Here is another way to look at "prepping" and why it is all fruitless. Save your money and get on with your life.... 


Are You Addicted To No Prize Gambling

by roy mackey

October 13, 2019

     I have always been amazed at how many people embrace "No Prize" gambling and how often. This is tragic since it could ruin if not cost you your life. If you don't think you could be this stupid you may want to read this....


Why I Love China

by roy mackey

October 10, 2019

     Nothing better than a pure genius and China nailed that one on the head at least when it came to war....


Why I Like Trump...

by roy mackey

October, 7, 2019

     Now don't get me wrong here I consider all of them to be criminal but.....


To Hell With Gratitude!!!

by roy mackey

Sept 10, 2019

     A lot of people these days think it pays to be grateful. Hogwash.., a total lack of gratitude will get you farther and faster than anything....


Do You Have Mob Mentality.?......

by roy mackey

Sept 8, 2019

     Mob mentality is sneaky as you never know you have it until it is too late. We have all seen it in action. Some chucklehead throws a rock at a protest and before long the mob follows suit and everyone is throwing rocks. It's not a pretty thing though it is how normal humans were able to bring themselves to burn witches at the cross, gas Jews in Germany, drop nukes in Japan, go on low fat diets or believe in their governments etc etc. To find out if you are infected...


Christians Are a Funny Breed..... 

by roy mackey

Sept 1, 2019

     With their eternal future at stake why don't they pay closer attention before the "mark of the beast" snatches their souls? Well in life we often all do the same thing, believe one thing and do another.... So before you throw stones at rubber walls you may want to ask yourself the same thing. Do your actions align with what you believe?


Gimmie Back My Bullet (s) Coffee!!!....

by roy mackey

August 31, 2019

     Bullet Coffee...., truly life changing!!! We all know how good coffee is and how coffee made the humans smarter.. Well bullet coffee has taken that up ten more notches. It now truly is gods gift to man..., apparently to make amends for letting Truedough get elected.


Desperately Seeking Boomers

by roy mackey

August 28, 2019

     How to tell if you are one and what to do about it! A must read if you are starting to see "light at the end of your tunnel" so to speak. You won't regret this read.


Take Your Power Back and Get Rich.....

by roy mackey

August 27, 2019

     Are you tired of handing your power and future over to governmental stupidity, global warming, the coming ice age, the ozone layer etc etc etc. Great then this posts for you!!!


To Prep or Not To Prep....

by roy mackey

August 25, 2019

     With the world getting so crazy these days a lot of people are wondering if they should be "prepping" as in stocking up for any hard times that could be coming. It's a good question to ask if you really love your family, assuming you have one. At the same time why waste a lot of time if nothing is going to happen anyway? Well this post will help you make the best decision that suits you and take a load off your mind. Not only that it will get all your freaky prepper friends off your back when you give them your logic.


How To Kill Tub Scum The Easy Way

by roy mackey

August 24, 2019

     Seriously.... tub scum sucks..... takes a ton of time and effort to clean. Being as lazy as I am I managed to bump into the ultimate in easy as far as solutions go!! Oh and when I say easy I mean eeeaaassssyyyyy!!!!!!!! 


I Only Buy Local Through Amazon.... 

by roy mackey

Aug 22, 2019

     OK.... OK... not necessarily "my" local but hey it's still somebody's local !!!!! You see it was bound to happen. People have been getting tired of brick and motar stores for ages. Most stores have taken the shopping experience to lower and lower levels all the time. In effect they have been cutting their own throats. Then out of desperation they started trying to guilt customers into "shopping local". Now they could fire their accountants and actually try to figure out how to offer some real service for a change. If so they could get some where...... but it'z pretty safe to say that ain't gonna happen....


Cash Verses Cards.... which is really better?

by roy mackey

Aug 21, 2019

Seriously if you love money you might want to check this out! Sometimes modern marketing is so good it can lead us away from our own instincts without us even noticing....


For the love of money...

Aug 20, 2019

     If you love money then this post is for you! Money is magic and most people don't even know it. Oh some do like bankers but hey they ain't letting out any of their secrets. If life seems like a constant up hill battle to you then good... it is. But if you want to make the money part ahelluva lot more fun then this post is for you. It will also improve your health!!!


How To Get A Delicious Life Fast and Easy....

by roy mackey

Aug 19, 2019

     If you have ever wondered why the hell your life sucks so much then check this out. Might just bee what you are looking for. After all life should be a piece of cake....


Stop Hating Your Job!!!!

Aug 15, 2019

     Are you like a whining cat stuck in a tree because you hate your job? If so it is time to stop!!!! Aside from making you look stupid It is killing you... not your job but you hating your job. Sure it may be a tough and frustrating job but you are the problem. Give your job a break and take a break to read this drivel. It might help you get over it and change your life!!!


My Candy Bar Diet...

by roy mackey

August 13, 2019

A few years ago after two years of eating zero sugar period I decided to come up with a new diet. One I designed based on not having a clue about dietary needs. The results were crazy! It was the best thing ever but was luckily I didn't die...


So You Think You Are Tough....

by roy mackey

Aug 10, 2019

     Have you wanted to know how a junkie could do keep doing drugs when it is so obvious that it is killing them? Well you have come to the right place.... Just click read more, if you dare.


Live Werk..... is it for you?

August 9, 2019

     Have you ever wondered about live work buildings? If so you have come to the right place. I have spent the last 20 years give or take living in my welding shop so to speak here at the ARC. I also manage the 80 unit joint. The ARC actually stands for Artist Resource Centre though I prefer to think of it as the Artist Recovery Centre. Live work is an incredible life style for creative types that are more focused on creating than the normal "consumer" If you want to find out what makes them so great read on...


Those Pain in the Butt Street Bums...

by roy mackey

Aug, 1, 2019

     Yes if you live in Vancouver you know street bums. Man what a pain they are... or are they?.... What you might have been missing could cost you big time!!!


Vegetarian Death

by roy mackey

July 29, 2019    

     Thirty four years ago I went vegetarian.. It took me that many years to realize it was killing me. When I started I was stronger, had tons of hair, was smarter, a hell of a lot more ambitious and had only one stiff joint. Luckily I snapped out of the malnourished fog I was in....


Stop Believing Your Own BS.....

by roy mackey

July 10, 2019


The Magic of Marketing...... old style

by roy mackey

July 9, 2019

     If you have a business selling crap you need to market it.... If you are not selling crap, even though the add salesman will never tell you this, you don't. But just the same a little magic can help....


Kicking Your Bucket List

by roy mackey

July 2, 2019

     A lot of people don't know this but the funnest thing you will ever do by a long shot in your bucket list is kicking it!


Working Hard... or Hardly Working....

the key to satisfaction in life.

by roy mackey

July 1, 2019

     This is simple stuff here but can have a huge impact on your life. Once you fully grasp the difference you life can get instantly better.
